FARM FRESH: Benefits of buying from your local Farmers Stand

I am always on the look out for healthy and fresh food, that is grown locally. Living in Utah, I am lucky to have an abundance of roadside stands and Farmers Markets nearby. I love knowing everything is fresh and locally produced.
When I search out farm stands or farmers markets, I am looking for ones that grow local, grow organically, and offer a variety of sustainable fruit and vegetables.

Shopping at a farmer's market means you'll be closer to the source of your food, and you can get to know the farmer and their farms. By meeting the people who produce the food that you eat, makes it a lot more personable and enjoyable experience.

The gentleman I met today, at Manning Farms, was very helpful and nice. By talking with him and telling him about my blog and journey, I learned that he was in transtion to become Vegan. I was so thrilled for him, and expressed how lucky he is to be surrounded by fresh fruit and vegetables all day!
By being personable with the farmers, they are more likely to listen to your needs and be socially responsible.

If you shop locally you are able to:
Save gas and create less pollution in your drive.
Pollute less, since the food doesn't need to be transported
Eat fresher food, with higher vitamin levels.
Enjoy tastier food
Have healthier food with less or even zero fungicides

I stopped at Mannings Orchard stand this morning. It was a roadside stand at the edge of their farm. I was able to see exactly where the produce grows!

Below I have listed my favorite things to purchase from my local farmers stand, and the benefits to buying them.
Tomatoes A bland grocery store tomato will never be able to compete with a fresh farm market tomato. They're rich in vitamin C and Lycopene, two nutrients your body needs to function.

Onions The chemicals in onions along with their vitamin C, can help improve immunity. Onions also contain chromium, which assist in regulating your blood sugar.

Peaches One of the favorite flavors of Utah during the summer and early fall has to be fresh peaches. Peaches are probably the biggest draw to Utah farmer stands. The cities of Brigham City and Hurricane hold festivals called, "Peach Days." Its been going on for more than 100 years, as a tribute to the tangy fruit. People drive from all over each Labor Day weekend to these events.
Peaches are a good source of Vitamins A and C, while also being low in calories. Peaches don’t taste good any other time of year than in midsummer, the height of their season. Its a fragile fruit and they don’t hold up well during transport.
Another benefit of buying local peaches is that they won't have pesticides. Peaches are treated with more pesticides than any other fruit. Buying local means you can ask the farmer to see which chemicals, if any, they use.

Make sure the color of the husk is bright green. If the husk is a faded green or brownish color, grab a different ear of corn. Also the "tassel" near the top of the corn should be slightly sticky to the touch. If it is dry or black, choose another ear of corn.

Hot chili peppers, and chilies are my top favorite items. The ripe red ones are usually hotter than the green ones. Always know that the smaller the pepper, the hotter its going to taste!

Bell Peppers
I am all about getting in my daily fiber! My body feels and works better with fiber. Just 1 cup of green bell peppers contains 2.5 grams of fiber. I love their mildly sweet flavor because it makes it very versatile. I am able to make a variety of healthy recipes with bell peppers.

Can you tell by my produce list that I am making salsa this week?!

They are extremely rich in antioxidants, and have excellent dietary fiber. Make sure to know that Apples continue to ripen after they leave the tree. Many apples will begin drying out immediately after picking and some may lose their quality in just days. So enjoy your fresh picked farmers stand apples quickly! The store fruit that we are accustomed to has been waxed to keep its moisture level sealed.

Manning Orchards Farm
(801) 544-3506
107 North Mountain Road
Fruit Heights, Utah

Megan The Vegan Mom