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Salt Lake City VEGFEST 2017

SLC VEGFEST! I was so excited to attend for my first time. I woke up and got in an early workout at Orange Theory Fitness, so I would be able to consume all the delicious Vegan food.

My shirt:

Grahams shirt:

Sean, Graham and I arrived to VEGFEST, it was a bit rainy but ended up clearing up around 2pm. We went into the library to find information on when the speakers would be starting. We decided to listen to the 1:30pm speaker on Activism for Animals.

While we waited for the speaker to start we walked around the booths and checked out the food, merchandise, and information.

A sticker I bought for my car

Vic Sjodin talked about how to stand up for animals and be an advocate.

"Living one’s life as a vegan is a clear first step for many, but then what? There are countless ways in which motivated individuals can use their gifts to reduce animal suffering each day. The possibilities are limited only by our creativity.

There is no one-size-fits-all method of activism. While creative thinking and playing to one’s strengths can open up new avenues for promoting veganism, rigid adherence to doctrine can obstruct advocacy. Isn’t one’s time better spent distributing VO literature than tracing the origins of obscure ingredients? In order to be effective advocates, the decisions we make – both on a daily basis and long-term – should try to help the animals as much as possible.

Vegans can remain true to their ideals regardless of whether or not they engage in traditional methods of activism. For example: although striving to acquire great wealth is seen by many as the antithesis of activism, those who earn large amounts of money through business can have an enormous impact on animal liberation when they contribute funds to organizations/activities aimed at reducing animal suffering.

Diverse and committed people have lent their talents to all aspects of Vegan Outreach. However, if not for those who pursue other fields and financially support the printing of Compassionate Choices and Even If You Like Meat, we would be unable to reach anyone with our information. It is because of our members’ hard work in fields not directly related to animal rights that we have the funds needed to print and distribute literature around the world."

I left with goosebumps and wanting to help even more individuals learn about the benefits of being Vegan. I really enjoyed his speech.

Next up, was to enjoy all the amazing food vendors. I didn't take photos of everything I ate because..... I was EATING! hahaha

I did manage to take a few. Be sure to head over to these shops and try them for yourself! Yum!







Next up I stopped over at UARC and signed up to become a member. I received a tote bag filled with coupons and pamphlets. I also received my own membership card where I can take to local Vegan businesses and get discounts.

If you want to sign up or learn about Utah Animal Rights Coalition, click the link below

I also grabbed a SLC VEG dinging guide! It has may pages of all the Salt Lake City options for Vegans, can't wait to try them all.

A great afternoon spent of learning about activism and trying delicious vegan food!

Thank you to UARC for putting on a great VEGFEST!

Until next year....


Megan The Vegan Mom

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