How to get a full body Workout with your Stroller

This stroller workout is for moms in every stage of motherhood. As a new mom I have learned that life needs to be flexible around motherhood, meaning I will take a workout any way I can get it.
Along with my interval training workouts at OrangeTheory Fitness, I have combined stroller workouts and have lost a few extra pounds. I enjoy stroller based workouts because I can spend time outside with my baby Graham.
When holding the stroller handles, keep your wrists straight and your elbows pointing slightly outward. Don't grip too tightly. Take long strides and stand tall with your abdominals drawn in, shoulders back and chest lifted.

Start out walking for 2 minutes, and get your legs stretched out.
As you walk, extend each leg as far forward as possible, without sacrificing form. Occasionally, try pushing the stroller with one hand and swing the other arm alongside your body in the opposite direction as your forward leg.
I then gradually pick up the pace to a run. Switch from using both hands on the stroller to just one. Do large circles with the other arm to warm your upper body. I like to practice my "Micheal Phelps arm swings."
I will then start my cardio and run for 5-10 minutes.

Sit 'n' Roll Squats
The squat is one of the best exercises for the lower body. Stand behind your stroller with the brake off, hands about shoulder width apart on the handlebars. Your feet and knees should face forward with your legs about hips width apart. Sit your bottom way back, and put your weight on your heels. Push your stroller out in front of you as you squat down, and pull it back in as you pull yourself up to a standing position. When squatting back, keep your spine long and strong, with your upper body only slightly tilted forward.
Do 10 reps, building up to 20

Rock-a-bye Lunges
For lunges you can have both hands holding the stroller handle, or one on at a time. Keep your feet hip-width apart and abs drawn in. Bend your left knee and step back into a lunge with your right foot, leaning your torso forward and straightening your left arm behind you. Repeat with right knee.
Complete 10 reps, working up to 20, then switch sides.

Push Ups
Grab onto the front end of the stroller and complete 20 inclined push ups. Abs in and up, hips in line with your spine. Don’t forget to breathe. Remember to lock your stroller so it doesn't roll away from you.

Mountain Climbers
Make sure your stroller is locked. Grab onto the front end of your stroller and bring your right knee up into your chest and then switch legs and bring your left knee up into your chest. Remember high knees and do them quickly. I love making faces with Graham as I do these, because the laughter makes my abs work harder.
Complete 30 total mountain climbers

Lock out your arms on the front end of your stroller. Pull your belly button into your spine and don't raise your hips.
Hold a plank position for 1 minute.

Barre Leg Lifts
Pretend you are at a ballet studio or a barre class. Be sure to keep your hips squared off to your stroller and draw your abs in and up.
Lift your right leg behind you as far as you can without bending over and pulse. Repeat with left leg.
10 lifts and 10 pulses on each leg.

Stretch Cool Down
I am an avid stretcher, and believe it is important for your workout recovery. I danced and cheered for a long time and was very bendy due to all the stretching we did as a team. 10-15 years later I am still able to do the splits because I have kept up on my stretching!
To cool down walk slowly for 2 minutes, then stretch your calves, quads, hamstrings, lower back and shoulders, holding each stretch for 30 seconds without bouncing.

Exploring the Park
After my workout Graham and I walked around the pond and talked to the ducks.

My Outfit
I bought these Zella leggings at Nordstrom, but am unable to find the exact pant. Here is a similar version
They don't make it with a hoodie anymore. But this one is a bomber version
Grahams Outfit
Rain Jacket
I bought this at Baby Gap last year. They don't sell it anymore. But I found one for sale.
I bought these at baby gap and they no longer sell them. Here is a similar pair.
Megan The Vegan Mom